B.I.C. Locations & Partners

With our growth and technology partners, we are in a position to drive cleverQ ever further forward. We want to develop new functions, new markets and new ideas together so that we can offer you the best possible solution in the area of waiting time management and process management. Get to know our partners.

Am Farmböddel 7a
D-24623 Großenaspe
+49(0)4327 25398 30

Ratingen | NRW
Local contact:
Jürgen, Specht
+49(0)4327 25398 52

Dubai Silicon Oasis
Building A1
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Rebecca Pfeiffer
+971(0) 50 293 7889

851 Ne 1st Ave
Miami, FL 33132-1842
(Paramount Miami World Center)
Local contact:
Dirk Ostermann
+1 (443)-346-3773

COM plan + service GmbH
Walter-Oehmichen-Straße 18
68519 Viernheim
Sebastian Sauer
Division Manager robot5
Tel: +49 6204 704 – 317
Fax: +49 6204 704 25 – 317
Web: https://www.cpls.de/

Inform GmbH
Hermann-Gebauer-Straße 22
1220 Vienna
Austria (EU)
Erich Krejcirik
Tel: +43 1 258 72 84 0
Mobil: +43 664 450 77 77
Fax: +43 1 258 72 87
E-mail: erich.krejcirik@inform.at verkauf@inform.at
Web: www.inform.at

FutureWave Technologies LLC
First Floor, Office No.2
Mohd Omar
Al Majid Bldg,
Marrakech Street –
Umm Ramool
P.O Box 238329
Contact: Bobby Mathew
Mail: bobby@futurewaveme.com

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Solution Partner Austria, Germany

Erich Krejcirik
Inform GmbH
Hermann-Gebauer-Straße 22
1220 Vienna
Austria (EU)
Tel: +43 1 258 72 84 0
Mobile: +43 664 450 77 77
Fax: +43 1 258 72 87
E-mail: erich.krejcirik@inform.at verkauf@inform.at
Web: www.inform.at

Solution Partner Germany

Sebastian Sauer
Division Manager robot5
COM plan + service GmbH
Walter-Oehmichen-Straße 18
68519 Viernheim
Tel: +49 6204 704 – 317
Fax: +49 6204 704 25 – 317
Web: https://www.cpls.de/

Solution Partner Finland

Olli Tapola
Suomen Kassayhtiö Oy
Tornatorintie 7b12
48100 Kotka
Tel: +358 29 70 193 00
E-mail: olli.tapola@kassayhtio.fi
Web: www.kassayhtio.fi